jhon duncen – Pantheonuk.org https://pantheonuk.org Latest Online News Magazine Sun, 25 Jun 2023 14:29:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://pantheonuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-Pantheonuk-1-32x32.png jhon duncen – Pantheonuk.org https://pantheonuk.org 32 32 What Is Zoning In Church Building And Construction https://pantheonuk.org/what-is-zoning-in-church-building-and-construction/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-zoning-in-church-building-and-construction&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-zoning-in-church-building-and-construction Sat, 05 Jun 2021 13:36:01 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7386 Before hiring a construction company to help build a church, it is vital to take into account the possibilities of expansion as well as the possibilities to adapt to future changes without the need to acquire additional space than the one already present. In some cases, pre-construction and pre-construction is sufficient as the church site was already zoned for a future building. In other cases, you may need to have additional zoning to accommodate future church growth. The good news is that you can add more than one building to your church site without facing major zoning issues. There are a few zoned areas that are shared by other nearby buildings, or you may have to obtain different zoning to accommodate future buildings.

Church service held in the cathedral in cologne, germany. Premium Photo

Share Areas

Share areas are the most difficult zoning to get. They are commonly obtained by the addition of the perimeter of a future building to an existing church. In order to obtain a shared area, you generally will need additional residential zoning. When you add the perimeter of a future building, a shared area is automatically added and the maximum lot area per enclosure is increased. If you add the entire foundation and necessary construction of ventilating features, you would need a company like Axis Builders to construct the church and do the initial estimate.

Interior zoned areas are usually received with just a small bit of excess lot area. The extra room is used for landscaping and parking.

Zoning Constraints

In order to obtain a zone change, you will need to get some more zoning areas. For example, if your zone is zone D1-2, you would need to obtain zone E3-F4. Some zones are only available at the Zoning Board of Adjustment (BOAA). You can find the zone at the BOAA by calling your local zoning administrator. You may have to wait in a long line to obtain the zone, but it is worth the wait! You will want to call ahead of time and request the zone change.

Most zoning applications are free, but you may need to get an additional residential Zoning, and/or additional zoning which is shared with a project or industrial use. Zoning applications can cost anywhere from $250-$5000. Zoning applications are fairly straightforward. The application itself consists of a few pictures and an estimate of the costs. The estimate is based on the zoning of your area and the zone of your future use. The different uses can range from single family to multiple unit, and even hotel or office.

How to write the perfect Zoning Plan and Apply

  1. Select the zone(ies). Zone(ies) will vary by zone. In zone E3-F4, zone(ies), single-family is the most common. Zone F1-F5 is usually obtained by a future use application which will include the use of single-family zones. For use of this zone, you will require use of the commercial zoning in the zone.
  2. Your Zoning Plan and Zoning Application should include the zoning of your future use. Select the zone(ies). Zone(ies) will vary by zone. In zone E3-F4, single-family is the most common. Zone F1-F5 is usually obtained by a future use application which will include the use of single-family zones. For use of this zone, you will require use of the commercial zoning in the zone. 
  3. This process usually takes about 2 weeks.

Zoning procedures are very important for planning. You should also make a note of the maximum and minimum lot sizes. A lot size is the smallest area in the square that can be developed with a proposed use. Maximum lot size requires that you provide the parking for any vehicles that will be using the lot. The zoning laws also require that you provide and ample parking for visitors and residents. Zoning laws can be obtained from your local zoning administrator. You must make sure that the zoning rules on height, privacy, setback, and street tree area are adhered to.

As an owner-operator of a retail store, you will require parking for your customers and employees. It is important that the parking lot meets the zoning regulations. This is because the zoning ordinances govern the minimum and maximum lot sizes. You should not enlarge the lot too much. The regulations also require that the lot is contiguous with other lots. Generally, the zoning laws also require that for every 100 square feet of lot area, you must provide 6 parking spaces.


Sensors Used Within Sports & Motor Industry. https://pantheonuk.org/sensors-used-within-sports-motor-industry/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sensors-used-within-sports-motor-industry&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sensors-used-within-sports-motor-industry Sat, 05 Jun 2021 13:09:32 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7383 Sensors have become part of our lives, there are sensors on practically any electronic device from computers. Smartphones, cars, home appliances.

What is a sensor?

In electronics this electronic part is referred to also as a transducer. A sensor is a device that converts data from its input source and outputs it as data that can be read by machines or humans. A simple example of a sensor is a thermometer that output the temperature of its environment or a car reverse parking sensor that beeps louder as you get closer to an obstacle. For layman person, a sensor is what help any product detect real world inputs and provide an output of real-world quantity.

What types of sensors are in the market?

Over the years sensors have been used to make our lives easier for example, our security lights will automatically come one when it turns dark, our garage doors and gates will open when they detect your car coming closer and close when reverse effect happens, our thermostats will adjust the heating as soon as soon as temperatures fall below certain level. These tasks are only possible because of advanced science of sensors and transducers. Below we will list the various types of sensors and their applications, highlight online stores you can order transducer like oemsecrets.com, an electronic parts price comparison for professional and hobbyists alike.  

In the sport and motor industry, there are a variety of sensors and transducers available in the market for use from tire pressure sensors, brakes, proximity, engine oil amongst others that will care to discuss.

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  • Temperature Sensor

Some of the most common temperature sensors include the LM35 and DS18B20(digital sensor) sensor IC. There are various temperature sensors from thermistors, thermocouples and RTD and

  • Infrared Sensor or IR

IR sensors are commonly used for applications like street lighting, industrial assembly and in the motoring world its works well for object detection and proximity gauge.

  • Proximity Sensor

This non-contact type sensor is used to detect the presence of an object and in the sports and motor industry can be used for parking and object alignment purposes.

  • Ultrasonic Sensor

An example part of an ultrasonic electronic part is the HC-SR04, read more here for details of how this ultra-sonic distance sensor works. This sensor can be used for very cool applications including self-driving, radar and navigation, face recognition etc.

  • Accelerometer

This sensor is used to measure proper acceleration i.e., acceleration in relation to free fall and speed change. Applications for this can also be detecting vibration in shock absorbers, collision impacts and orientation and change in direction.

  • Pressure Sensors

Most pressure sensor uses a diaphragm and also a strain gauge bridge to sense, detect and measure the force applied usually against a unit area. Key industries that use this include gas and petroleum industries and in motorsports for tires.


This sensors and transducers article provided you with a general overview of sensors used in sports, pets and consumer electronic products with a key focus on industrial applications in motorsports. For more about sensors check out the details below.

Dan Riri is a professional engineer by trade since 2015 with a passion for construction, technology, IoT, DIY and sports. He provides a mix of practical advice, educational tips, and knowledge to engineers and their enterprises. You can follow Dan’s work here: https://www.electronicscomponents.co.uk/ 


How to Create a Website – Beginner’s Guide https://pantheonuk.org/how-to-create-a-website-beginners-guide/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-website-beginners-guide&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-a-website-beginners-guide Sat, 05 Jun 2021 08:10:20 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7377 This tutorial shows you how to create a website. It is intended for beginners and the uninitiated alike, you will learn the whole process step by step from the start. It does not ask you for any pre-requisites (except that you know how to navigate the Internet). Visit this agence web Montreal to get a good website design for your local business.

Obtain a domain name

The first thing you need to do before anything else is get yourself a domain name. A domain name is the name you want to give to your website. For example, the domain name of the site you are reading is “creation-site-web.com”. To obtain a domain name, you must pay an annual fee to a registrar for the right to use that name. Getting a name doesn’t get you a site. It’s just a name. It’s a bit like registering a business name, having a trade name doesn’t mean you also have premises.

After reading this, you will need to know the steps to register a domain name and the things you will need when registering. You can find a detailed guide in the article  How to choose and create my domain name? 

It may also be a good idea to take a look at some of the  important precautions to take when buying a domain name  , just so that you don’t make the same mistakes that some newcomers do when buying a domain name. ‘a domain name.

Choose a web host and open an account

A web host is basically a business that has many computers connected to the Internet. When you place your web pages on their computers, anyone will be able to connect to them and view them. If getting a domain name is analogous to getting a business name, getting web hosting is analogous to leasing office space or a store for your business.

There are many questions to consider in finding a good web host. Find out about your priorities for security, disk space, etc., and you can read the article  How to choose a web host  .

It is better to take your domain name and your host from the same regitrar. Otherwise, you will have to bind to each other by configuring the DNS in the right way.

Web page design

Once you have acquired your domain name and web hosting, the next step is to design the website itself. In this article, I’m going to assume that you want to do it yourself. If you hire a web designer to do this, you can skip this step because that person will process it on your behalf. I offer my web design services, do not hesitate to contact me  for that.

Websites of all sorts and sizes face crashes and attacks. So regardless if you have a plain site, or one full of sticky elementsredirects, etc., you have to be well-protected. Thankfully, tools like Emergency Recovery Script exist. ERS will give you admin access and restore your site in minutes for free. And since it’s independent of WordPress, it’s also effective in any situation.

While there are many things to consider in web designing, for a beginner the first step is actually to get something on the web. The finer tuning can come once you understand how to upload a basic web page to your site. One method is to use a WYSIWYG Web (“What You See Is What You Get”) editor to do. These editors allow you to design your site visually, without having to worry about the technical details. They work like a regular word processor, and there are many commercial and free website editors out there today. One of the most famous is  Dreamweaver  . If you plan to use this editor, you can view this siteIf you prefer to use free software, you can find a full tutorial on using Nvu, a free WYSIWYG web editor, in the article  How to design and publish your website with Nvu  . This one walks you through the process of creating a site. There are many other design software out there. If you prefer not to use any of the above, you can find others on commentcamarche.net .

You have followed my tutorial and you are on your way to designing your website. You might want to read the article on web layout , the one on web design , and the one on content writing .

If you need to create a website for your business, you can use a free social media marketing app, such as Picrew Nudekay.

Test your website

Although I am only talking about this step now, it needs to be done throughout your web design cycle. I have listed it separately to give it a little more importance, as too few new webmasters really do this step adequately.

You will need to test your web pages in the major browsers: the latest versions of Internet Explorer (version 9 at the time of this writing),  Firefox  ,  Opera  ,  Safari  and  Chrome  . All of these browsers can be obtained for free. Testing your site directly in all of these browsers is the only way you will find it working.

Optional:  If you have time, you can use the Internet Explorer Collection  and check your site under the older versions of Internet Explorer (“IE”), namely IE 8, IE 7, and IE 6. This is not strictly necessary nowadays, since the main culprit causing website problems, IE 6, is slowly disappearing from the Internet, and IE7 in turn is disappearing


Of course, the above guide is not exhaustive. It is a summary of some of the essential steps to get your site up and running. If you want more information, you can read the other articles in the website design tips category .

Are You Looking To Sell Gift Cards in Nigeria? https://pantheonuk.org/are-you-looking-to-sell-gift-cards-in-nigeria/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=are-you-looking-to-sell-gift-cards-in-nigeria&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=are-you-looking-to-sell-gift-cards-in-nigeria Thu, 03 Jun 2021 08:04:40 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7345 Great, look no further than GC Buying!

There is nothing quite as good as selling gift cards and trading is a game that’s old as time. People have traded animals, homes, Bitcoin, stocks and more throughout life, and now gift cards are the next thing to sell unwanted and unused gift cards. Gift cards aren’t just a gift given on a special occasion, they’re a great way to pay the bills or even invest in what you need. Selling gift cards doesn’t have to be difficult, either, especially when you can sell gift cards in Nigeria with ease – you just need the right help.

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GC Buying Can Help

There are plenty of companies out there that will help you to sell your gift cards in Nigeria, and GC Buying is one of the best out there that you can trust to get your gift card sales up. Over $1 billion in gift cards go totally unused and wasted every single year, and with the help of GC Buying, you can sell gift cards in Nigeria at gcbuying.com with the help of expert guidance from those with the right skills. There is a lot of money missed out on due to gift cards, and yet it’s such a simple way to make money. Whether you are looking to sell a gift card or trade it for cash, GC Buying has you covered. 

Selling your gift cards to those who are willing to pay for it is a good way to get rid of yours if you don’t want to use them in the stores. GC Buying was created with the idea of propelling Africa into the modern age, and this has been born of an ideal trading space that remains efficient and easy to use. We can help you to find those who are willing to buy your gift cards for the right price and you can easily sell the used and unused gift cards through us for real cash. 

We’ve created a website that is unlike any other. You can trade your gift cards for instant cash, with the platform to fully support you the whole time. 

Prefer To Swap?

If you’re not interested in selling your gift cards, you can choose to exchange or swap them out for other digital currencies. If you prefer Bitcoin or PayPal, then talk to the experts at GC Buying today and let us help you out with that! Getting paid instantly doesn’t have to be difficult, not when our platform can help to support your sales. If you have any gift cards for sale or trade, then you should contact us today and see how you can get started.

So, do you have a collection of gift cards that you want to sell? Do you want to get fast cash for your gift cards? Use GC Buying today and we can ensure that you get a gift card exchange that is world-class. Contact us today and let us help!


How To Choose The Best Furniture Manufacturer https://pantheonuk.org/how-to-choose-the-best-furniture-manufacturer/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-choose-the-best-furniture-manufacturer&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-choose-the-best-furniture-manufacturer Thu, 03 Jun 2021 07:00:19 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7343 Are you currently trying to find customized furniture but aren’t certain which from the dizzying selection of furniture makers to go for? That guide can discover the product range of what to contemplate when coming up with your decision.

What Do You Want To Have Built?

The first faltering step is to decide what you want the producer to make for you. Some can specialise in furniture like sofas and armchairs, while the others may be focussed on wardrobes or tables. For this reason it’s crucial to know what you want to make first, so you just approach furniture makers who actually make what you want!

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You should also visit, One of the best BK CIANDRE Furniture Manufacturer

Professional carpenter working with sawing machine Free Photo

What Is Your Budget?

The following point to think about can be your budget. Just just as in retail furniture, there’s a wide variety of makers making customized furniture at a variety of cost points.

Do not overlook to think about things such as different products, sizes, and kinds of color or finish when wondering about price. This can help make sure that your task does not review the budget.

Supply Choices And Area

Still another important thing to think about when choosing between furniture makers is what supply possibilities they provide, and wherever they’re based. Many individuals like to select a local manufacturer as it means they are able to visit the workshop regularly and get an energetic position in the furniture’s build. This really is good if you designed the item yourself and wanted to make certain it had been built to your correct standard.

Other customers want to take a hands-off approach. In this example, the location of the workshop is not crucial while impossible to go to it regularly. Alternatively, enquire about delivery. Ensure that the company will have the ability to supply it and really get it in your own home! It’s a good idea to measure your front door and allow the company know, otherwise having the completed report house could become a pricey frustration!

What May The Furniture Applied For?

The following point to think about is what will the furniture be employed for, and wherever can it be properly used? This really is crucial as it can certainly help you select which furniture makers to choose. Some organizations can specialize in very ornamental styles, however these may be fragile.

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This might be a great choice for individuals buying an item that won’t see daily use.

Alternatively, you may want a piece of furniture that will withstand frequent use. In this example, try to find furniture makers that have already produced a large number of functional items of furniture.

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Measurement Of Company

The last point you need to think about is how big is the company. Larger organizations generally have more projects away from home, and so they may not need just as much time to concentrate on your own project. Also, if your task is somewhat low price, it may possibly not be seen as that vital that you the business enterprise and therefore maybe it’s sidelined or delayed. On one other give, if you go for a smaller organization, they may have the ability to priorities your task and provide better client care.

What Makes a Good Coffee Table? https://pantheonuk.org/what-makes-a-good-coffee-table/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-makes-a-good-coffee-table&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-makes-a-good-coffee-table Tue, 01 Jun 2021 19:34:56 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7310 When you are choosing the right furniture for the home there is plenty to think about, and going on a room-by-room basis is usually a good place to start. There are so many things that you need to consider when it comes to making the most of this, and the living room is certainly one of the key areas of the home because of the fact it is so regularly used. 

And when you are looking for ways of being able to improve the living room, you need to make sure you invest in a great coffee table. This is an integral piece of furniture for any living space, and it’s important that you do what you can to get the best possible choice for your home. These are some of the things that you should think about when you are trying to determine what makes a good coffee table for your home. 


The best coffee tables out there are those that offer you practicality and will help you to make the most of owning a coffee table. You want a table that is going to provide you with different use cases. It could be somewhere to rest a drink, or use as a table to eat dinner from. You might like to have some kind of centerpiece to draw attention and appeal to the table. Whatever your wants and needs for your coffee table it is important to have one that is versatile and can do the job it is required to do. So this means you need to keep this in mind when you’re shopping around so you can make the right decisions. 


Another important consideration is the size, and this kind of links into the use you have for your coffee tangle. If it is simply a place to put a book or a drink, then it doesn’t really matter if it is small or compact, and this may even lend itself to the aesthetic of the room. However, if you want a table that you can use for eating on, then it will need to be larger. Think about the size of your living room so that you can plan out a coffee table that is the perfect size to fulfil what you want. It should be large enough to be worth having in the room, but not too large that it’s going to get in the way. 


There are different materials on offer when you are choosing a coffee table, and choosing wooden coffee tables is always a good choice because of the fact that they look great and are durable. But at the end of the day, it depends on your tastes more than anything else. And this is something that you need to make the most of moving forward. There are loads of amazing ideas that play a part in choosing the right coffee table, but it’s clear that getting the right material can play a big role in this process.  


One of the main attractive features of a coffee table these days is storage space. Now, not all of them have this, but some of them will, and this is definitely worth thinking about. You have to make sure you do as much as possible to focus on this, and it is important to come up with ideas that will help you achieve this. Choosing a coffee table with storage space underneath, for example, is one of the best ways of being able to do this. You need to be able to make the most of this, and it is important to consider storage space when choosing your coffee table.  


Of course, everyone has a budget, and this is one of the things you need to work within the budget of. Make sure you think about some of the best ways of being able to help you find something within your budget, but the quality is also a consideration. It might be worth paying more for wooden coffee tables because you know you are getting the best quality, so this is definitely something you need to try to make the most of moving forward right now. 

These are just a handful of the things that people look for when trying to determine what makes a great coffee table. By getting the best coffee table for your home, you are able to reap the benefits of this, and it is really important to ensure you focus on making the most of this moving forward right now. There are a lot of great things you need to think about when looking for the best possible coffee table.  

Definition and Importance of Master Data Management https://pantheonuk.org/definition-and-importance-of-master-data-management/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=definition-and-importance-of-master-data-management&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=definition-and-importance-of-master-data-management Tue, 01 Jun 2021 05:40:25 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7287 Master data management came into practice when businesses wanted to upscale the quality and consistency of their data assets such as customer data, product data, location data, asset data etc. Master data management or MDM is the tools, techniques and processes that ensure that the master data is coordinated throughout the organization. MDM gives a consolidated service for master data that gives accurate and complete master data consistently throughout the organization and other business partners.  

To maintain clean master data, many changes are said to be introduced in the business processes fundamentally and subsequently, many issues of MDM are rather political than technical. Creation and maintenance of master bot come under master data management. Therefore, putting a lot of time, effort and money into developing a clean master data is a failed exercise unless the procedure to keep master data consistent and clean is also included.  

Standardizing and cleaning of master data  

It would help if you first understood the data model of your master data before you begin normalizing and cleaning it. You must have the contents defined for each attribute and proper mapping to the master data model from each source. You can leverage this information to illustrate the necessary transformations to clean the source data.  

Cleaning of data and then transforming it into a master data model is quite similar to ETL (extract, transform, load) process used in data warehousing. If the tools of ETL and transformation are already defined, then it becomes easy to modify them as per the requirements of master data.  

Some functions of data cleansing are:  

  • Standardize data formats- convert addresses, make sure all contact numbers look same and so forth on to a format that is common for all.  
  • Replacement of missing values- Insertion of defaults, looking up Dun & Bradstreet number and ZIP codes from the address.  
  • Regularize values- convert all the measurements into metric system, convert prices to a common currency, and change part numbers to industry standard.  
  • Mapping of attributes- Check the first and last names out of the contact name field, move Part# and partno to the PartNumber field.  

Mostly tools put the data to not cleanse into an error table for hand processing and clean the rest of the data. The cleansed data will go into master table according to how the matching tool will work. You must check output as each source is getting clean to make sure that the process of cleansing is working properly.  

Master data management can cover single (product, customers, locations and other) and multiple domains, which depends upon the technology used. Multi-domain MDM has it own benefits such as the ability to share reference data across various disciplines, consistent data stewardship experience, a minimized technology footprint, a lower total cost of ownership and a more significant ROI.  

A strong MDM program needs to have a sound MDM strategy in place to manage data consistently. This strategy revolves around 6 disciplines:  

  • Governance  
  • Measurement  
  • Organization  
  • Policy  
  • Process  
  • Technology  

Moreover, an MDM project is incomplete without the business users’ participation and support. Any project of MDM that doesn’t include the changes occurring in the processes for creating, maintaining and validating the master data is very likely to fail.  

With the help of solutions provided by MDM, the quality of your data will improve, hence improving the business operations. Apart from that, we can also witness data visualization effects on MDM. It consists of data transformation, cleansing, integration and allowing companies to leverage accurate, consistent and up-to-date information.  

Best Colors to Bring Nature Inside your Homes https://pantheonuk.org/best-colors-to-bring-nature-inside-your-homes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-colors-to-bring-nature-inside-your-homes&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-colors-to-bring-nature-inside-your-homes Mon, 31 May 2021 10:27:26 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7272 It is a great quality for a home to imbibe nature within itself. Being close to nature gives a sense of calmness and peace that can keep your mind at ease. Colors can play a great role in your psychological well-being. Here are some of the best colors that can bring nature inside your home. Here are some of the best WALL PAINT colours that can bring nature inside your home.

Serene green

Green is the color of nature. It is the color of trees and plants.

It represents the wild forest as well as the peaceful grasslands. Using different shades of green can give an immense sense of calmness and relaxation to you. You can use green in a variety of ways. Lighter shades of green can give a brighter space while darker greens become more sober and elegant to look at. You can also use green for furniture and cabinets to give a classy look to your space.

Choose ideas for simple wall designs to create a calming and relaxing space.

Earthy browns

Brown is the color of the soil. It gives a sense of rawness and comfort. Shades of brown can bring a feeling of groundedness and relaxation.

The sense of humble earth gives positive energy and makes you grateful and happy. Lighter shades of brown can give a sense of openness- giving a simple and elegant vibe. Darker browns are vibrant- representing the strength and resilience of wood. All shades of brown can usually be found in furniture pieces. You can also use them for upholstery, rugs, and cushions.

True blue

Blue is a vibrant color and can have a variety of meanings. In nature, we find blue in plenty- in the sky and in water. It is a color that evokes reflection and truth. Blue can give you a large palette to choose from. Pastel blues can give a sense of positivity and openness. Dark blue is powerful and elegant. There are also a variety of mid-tones that can be used to give a vintage charm. Light blue is used in walls and ceilings for a sense of expansion to space.

Tropical hues

The tropics are represented by striking, bright colors like red and yellow. Using these colors along with other shades of nature like green and blue can give your home a tropical vibe. It can give energetic and warm energy that will make you feel active and powerful. Use red and yellow as accents for your nature-inspired space. You can also use them in wallpapers and wall arts. Using shades of gold can add a sense of luxury and elegance to an otherwise sober space.

Neutral gray

Gray is a classy, neutral shade that is generally associated with elegance and focus. It is the color of industrial cement and one may not generally connect nature with grey. Grey is the color of rock and rain clouds. Grey is the best neutral shade that can go with colors of nature to create a raw and earthy balance. It can create a great natural color palette along with brown and green. The shades and hues should be balanced to create the right composition.

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Textures of the room should also be noted

Find painters near me to get the best colors and textures for your home.

10 Amazing Quotes on Teachers https://pantheonuk.org/10-amazing-quotes-on-teachers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-amazing-quotes-on-teachers&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-amazing-quotes-on-teachers Fri, 28 May 2021 13:41:03 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7158 Teaching is not an easy job. Being a teacher can be exhausting and mind-boggling. However, at the end of the day, the joy of having shared your knowledge and being able to touch at least one kid’s life surpasses all the hurdles that the job poses. 

Teachers play several roles like a motivator, influencer, parent, and more. While taking up so many responsibilities and acing so many roles, they forget to appreciate themselves. More often than not, teachers are not appreciated for their work and the effort they put in. If you are a teacher who feels underappreciated and feels that your work is going unnoticed, this blog is for you. This is a compilation of ten amazing quotes on teaching, teachers, and the importance of teachers. 

These quotes imbibe the essence of teaching and as mentioned above, the importance of teachers. Without further ado, let’s take a look at these inspiring quotes for teachers.

10 Amazing Quotes on Teachers

1.In an effective classroom, students should not only know what they are doing, but they should also know why and how.- Harry Wong

A very thoughtful quote indeed. This emphasizes the importance of practical learning. It also focuses on the ‘how’ of teaching. The inquisitiveness of students must always be nurtured. This is what will make them great learners and a teacher who understands the importance of curiosity is an exemplary teacher. 

2.Good teaching must be slow enough so that it is not confusing, and fast enough so that it is not boring.- Sydney J. Harris

This is a quote that talks about how a classroom should be. A great teacher is a lot of things and they know exactly how to capture the attention of their students. Teaching is not about reading through the textbook or finishing the syllabus on time. The children should be able to understand what the concept is and put it into practice effectively. This quote talks throws light on what a class should be like.  

  1. Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.

– Bob Talbert

Yet another beautiful quote on teaching. This talks about the nature of teaching. Similar to the ones that we discussed before, this says that education is not always about the curriculum and subject knowledge. Teachers must be able to inculcate values and life skills. That is when a good teacher becomes great. 

  1. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

– Benjamin Franklin

This famous saying by Benjamin Franklin puts forth the idea of involving students in the teaching process. Teaching is not merely talking or presenting. It is a lot more than that. To ensure that students learn, teachers have to employ various teaching methods, motivate students, and likewise. 

5.“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.”—ROBERT FROST

Robert Forst, one of the greatest poets ever, said that he is not a teacher but an awakener and that speaks volumes about what a teacher should be. Teaching is a lot like awakening. It taps the ideas and views of students and asks them to explore more. 

  1. “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”―MALALA YOUSAFZAI

This quote is about education and the importance of education. The importance of education cannot be sidelined. The weight that quality education carries is huge and good education helps to create a quality life and future. It also helps to change the world and set it in the right direction. 

7.“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” – Confucius

Yet another quote on education and the scope of education. It helps to create an independent generation and this future generation is an asset to the world.

It is this generation that is going to run the world in the future. The hope for a great tomorrow starts today and it can be made into reality by assuring quality education for all. 

8.“A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.

” – Unknown

The impact that a great teacher has on students cannot be put into words. This simple yet meaningful quote brings to light what teachers do and how much they influence young minds. 

  1. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased

A quote that is similar to the one above. You never know how much a teacher affects their students and the amount of influence they have on their students. Teachers shape the future generation and play a pivotal role in character development. With online teaching and online teaching apps, students now have access to the best teachers across the globe. 

  1. 100 years from now it won’t matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in the bank, nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child. – Forest Witcraft

This is a beautiful saying. The important thing, as teachers, is not how much you earned, but the knowledge that you made a change in a child’s life. Teachers have the beautiful opportunity to open the doors for young children. To nurture their creativity and encourage their talent. That is the most important thing that a teacher can do!

 I am eternally grateful to all the teachers who taught me and stood by me. The impact of a great teacher can never be erased and if you ever feel as though you are not heard enough, this is a huge shout-out to all those teachers. You are doing great, you are on the right track, ha[ppy teaching!

Fireboy and watergirl: All series of the game explained https://pantheonuk.org/fireboy-and-watergirl-all-series-of-the-game-explained/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fireboy-and-watergirl-all-series-of-the-game-explained&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fireboy-and-watergirl-all-series-of-the-game-explained Fri, 28 May 2021 12:31:07 +0000 https://pantheonuk.org/?p=7148 Fireboy & watergirl, a trendy game, was developed by Oslo Albert and was distributed by miniclip.com and Armor Games Companies.

It was released in 2009. The first game released was Fireboy & Watergirl-Forest Temple.

The game is described as a two-player game. Both the characters in the game have some unique strengths and weaknesses. It is an awesome adventurous game with exciting levels.

There are a total of 5 Fireboy & Watergirl games released. Each game has a new fun adventure, puzzles and mechanics.

All the series of games released are listed below:

  • The forest temple
  • The light temple
  • Ice temple
  • The crystal temple
  • The elements temple

You can play the games online on any of these devices- Windows, Android, iOS. You can also have this exciting journey by downloading this game from the Google Play Store.

We will explain all the games in this article:

Fireboy & watergirl- The Forest Temple

This game was released on November 19, 2009, and is the first game in this series. In this game, there are 32 levels, with 17 normal levels, 6 are designed levels, and the remaining 9 are green diamond levels.

Normal level consists of various puzzles like levers, boxes, pushers, etc. It is not necessary to complete the normal levels. But the way you play will increase your rating in the end.

By the name of this game, we can conclude that a fireboy is a character that cannot walk in water, but it can in fire or lava. A watergirl cannot walk in fire or lava on the opposite side, but it can in water.

Both characters have to move symmetrically in the designed level, and in diamond levels, you should collect at least one diamond to complete the level.

Game Controls

  • To move fireboy, use Arrow keys.
  • To move watergirl, use A, W, S, and D keys.

Note: These game controls are used to move the characters in all the series of this game.

Fireboy & watergirl 2- The light temple

This series of the game was released in October 2010. Light temple is a place that is full of danger but has plenty of sparkling jewels. The adventure continues as you have to help the characters search for precious diamonds in the light temple.

Like in the previous series, in this series, you have to use their amazing and unique powers to overcome different obstacles. There are a total of 40 levels in this game.

Tips for playing this game:

  • Stay away from ‘Green goo’ as it may injure both the characters.
  • Fireboy can grab red diamonds, and watergirl can collect blue diamonds.

The next series that came was Fireboy & watergirl 3– Ice temple. It also excites the players through its fantastic adventures.

Fireboy & watergirl 3- Ice temple

This series also comes with the capabilities of watergirl to deal with aquatic obstacles and fireboy to overcome all the fire obstacles. It was released in September 2018 after a long time since the previous series was released.

This game series includes 37 levels, 20 normal levels, 6 designed, and the remaining 11 diamond levels. Again, it is not necessary to complete the normal levels. But by solving various puzzles like pushers, boxes, levers, mirrors, newly added snow, freeze lights and collecting diamonds, the player can increase its rating in the end.

With the introduction of snow in this game, fireboy faces difficulties climbing up snow slopes, but watergirl can easily climb them. You have to help them to collect a variety of diamonds overcoming all the hurdles in their path.

Fireboy & watergirl unblocked game mean you have access to browse or play it anywhere and anytime.

Fireboy & watergirl 3- The crystal temple

This game was released in October 2018. It is the 4th game of the series and consists of 36 levels. Crystal temple is known as the most complex temple to complete when compared to other temples. This game is very similar to the forest temple & light temple; players have to solve the levels and collect red, blue & grey diamonds through this thrilling journey.

This temple contains crystal portals that will transport them to different locations. Different colours of these portals can be seen, be careful of them. A white portal will locate you to another white portal; the black portal will locate you to another black portal, which will continue.

You have to be very careful while transporting yourself, as if you directly port yourself into a pool, it will kill the character.

After finishing all the 36 levels, continue the fun adventure with ‘Elements temple’ in the last game.

Fireboy & watergirl 3- The elements temple

It is the 5th and final game in this series, released in January 2019. While playing, be aware that the watergirl should avoid the lava pool, and the fireboy should prevent the water pool.

There are 62 levels in this game, with 7 different elements, 49 regular levels, and 13 white diamond levels. This series is different from the previous one as it includes 4 previous temples with 3 new temples.

  • The forest temple- 10 levels
  • The fire temple- 8 levels
  • The light temple- 9 levels
  • The crystal temple- 9 levels
  • Ice temple- 9 levels
  • The wind temple- 8 levels
  • The water temple- 9 levels

The new 3 levels introduced in this game are described below:

The fire temple

This level is easy to overcome by fireboy, so fireboy must help watergirl face all the hurdles.

The wind temple

With a total of 8 levels in this temple, a fan is there that lifts the watergirl and fireboy above. This fan will work for 5 seconds after you press the button to operate the fan.

The water temple

Water temple comes with 9 levels. It is the opposite concept of a fire temple. As it is easy for a watergirl to walk freely in a water pool, fireboy needs her help to pass all the barriers.

Learn more:

  1. Select the object using Select Option Toolbar.
  2. Create a New Group button from the Layers panel to create a layer group.
  3. Click on the ‘Create New fill’ option from the ‘Layers panel’ and then select a Solid Color. It will add color to the layer group.
  4. Then select ‘new color’ which is to be changed and then click OK.