Melbourne criminal lawyer – Latest Online News Magazine Tue, 31 Jan 2023 10:48:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Melbourne criminal lawyer – 32 32 8 Things To Look For In A Melbourne Criminal Lawyer Tue, 31 Jan 2023 10:45:12 +0000 There are several things to think about when you are looking for a criminal defence lawyer. Here are some of the things you should look into.

1) Make sure they are a criminal lawyer

Lawyers specialise in different fields of law, a tax lawyer is not good for a criminal defence case. Make sure you are just looking at criminal lawyers. No matter how good your divorce lawyer might have been this is not the time to call them!

2) Make sure they have dealt with your kind of case before

As well as being a criminal lawyer specifically you want someone with experience in the type of case you are facing. If you are facing assault charges you want someone who has handled assault cases before. Experience is good but always keep in mind that the more they have the more they charge, and some become less passionate.

3) Avoid hiring someone who makes grand promises

Do not hire a Melbourne criminal lawyer who makes promises they cannot keep. No one can 100% be sure that they can get you off or get the case thrown out or whatever else they promise. They are making grand promises just to get your money.

4) Avoid hiring a lawyer with no trial experience if you want to go to trial

If you intend to go to trial then you need a lawyer with experience handling trials. If you want to negotiate to avoid going to trial choose someone who has shown themselves to be good at that too.

5) Make sure you are comfortable talking to them

Choose a criminal defence lawyer Melbourne you are comfortable with as you will need to share things with them and be honest with them. If they are not good at communicating with you, or you feel uncomfortable at the first meeting or phone call then move on and try another.

6) Make sure they have the time to work your case

Sometimes lawyers will take on cases when they are already working on other cases. You do not want them so busy on one client’s case that they are not focussing as hard as they could be on yours.

7) Avoid a law office that does not have enough support staff

If they are on their own and they have multiple cases they are going to struggle to stay on top of things. Choose a criminal lawyer with enough support staff in the form of a paralegal, a secretary and an investigator too.

8) Avoid lawyers who quote a very high or very low fee

If a Melbourne criminal lawyer is quoting very high fees is that because they are very good at their job or are they overcharging clients? If they are quoting very low is that because they are not good or very inexperienced and might not be the best choice to help you out.


These things will help you find the right lawyer for your needs without overpaying who you are comfortable with.

