Public House Licensee – Latest Online News Magazine Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:59:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Public House Licensee – 32 32 What You Can Expect From Becoming A Public House Licensee Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:58:20 +0000 Becoming a pub manager or licensee is a dream that many people have had, and for a select few, this dream becomes a reality. Many publicans will tell you there is much more to the job than it appears, and it surprises many how much is involved in running a pub in the UK. You will need to keep on top of looking after the cellar and the drinks, understand employment legislation, and keep up to date with health and safety. Running a pub requires various skills you must develop to keep things running smoothly. If you are considering making your dream switch to running a public house, below you can see some of the things you can expect and the skills you will need to ensure your pub is a resounding success.

The Different Hats Of A Pub Manager

When you are new to running a pub, there are many skills you must master that will make your job easier and help ensure the success of your venture. Your role will involve much more than managing the bar, and some of the many hats you must wear are as follows:

Customer Service: The primary role of a publican is to ensure that patrons have a pleasant experience when visiting your public house, which requires excellent customer service skills. You must create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will keep customers coming back and help increase your profits.   

Staff Management: Another vital aspect of running your local community pub is the staff management skills you will require. You will be responsible for hiring, training, managing, and disciplining your staff. When running a pub, you must manage bar staff, waiting staff, kitchen and cleaning staff, and third-party contractors.  

Stock Management: An excellent pub manager must also have exceptional stock management skills to ensure that the pub never runs out of stock. You will need to ensure that you order sufficient stock while reducing waste, which can help increase your profits and make your pub successful.  

Financial Management: Handling the pub’s finances and ensuring profitability is another key responsibility when you become a manager. You must set and adhere to budgets, handle payroll, and do everything you can to increase the profits of your pub.

Regulatory Compliance: You must also ensure that your pub complies with all legal requirements, including licensing, health and safety regulations, and employment laws. Failing to do so can land you in a lot of hot water and reduce the profitability of your pub when you must pay any fines you receive for infractions.  

Marketing & Promotion: As well as doing your best to retain customers, you must also find ways to promote your business and attract new ones. It often requires creative marketing strategies and consistent engagement with your target audience. You can achieve this in many ways, such as through social media engagement, creating loyalty programs, and organising fun events for your customers.

The Role Of A Pub Manager

An excellent pub manager will wear many caps and must be flexible to ensure their establishment runs smoothly. You must tackle problems head-on and deal with them effectively and efficiently, whether you have a problem with your stock, staff members, or a troublesome customer. You will need to be warm and friendly to all patrons, get to know your regular customers and find ways to keep them happy and entertained to keep them coming back. You may also need to help your staff by serving behind the bar, waiting on tables, helping in the kitchen, or helping with cleaning, so you must understand all roles in your pub intimately. 

A Challenging But Rewarding Career

Many people who start to run pubs love their career, as it can be highly enjoyable and rewarding. However, it is not for everyone, and you must have a flexible attitude to ensure your establishment succeeds. There are times when the hours are long, and there is always something that needs doing, but the variety of the role of running a pub appeals to many people. Every day can be different, and you will meet a wide assortment of various types of people in your role, making no two days the same.

If you have always dreamed of running a pub and would like to see how to get into your dream role, you can click here to find out more information on becoming a pub landlord. Whether you prefer a busy city centre location or a small country pub, there is a suitable public house for everyone, and your dream role may be just around the corner.  

